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The DoD needs to ensure that connectivity across a heterogeneous swarm of attritable multi-domain autonomous platforms remains intact. Communications equipment shall be capable of reliable operations in a contested spectrum along with ability to operate at lower classification levels in conjunction with attrition resilience concurrent with the vehicles that they are on. Anti-jam (AJ) and Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Line of site (LOS) and Beyond Line of Site (BLOS) resilient connectivity, including automated and seamless join and exit to the network, are preferred. Networking solutions shall maintain network awareness and routing across multiple radio frequency communications paths. DoD needs the ability to push one-way updated commands via a broadcast through the LOS and BLOS radio frequency and data networks. Communications across the network must be secure, applying best industry practices of commercial grade transmission and communications security. DoD requires a network control channel and management tool to direct and/or redirect the UxV team in both real-time and non-real-time disconnected operations.